Here is a quick birth story:
I started having contractions on Saturday at 4:30pm. Went to the hospital at 5pm having contractions 7-8 min apart and was 3 cm dilated. I progressed to 5cm rather quickly and my contractions were coming every 1-2 min. I received my epidural, was put on pitocin and had my water broke at about 1:30am. My labor began to stall out so the took me off the pitocin and then started it again only to find out my OB was at a funeral. So they took me off again and let things slow again. At about 1pm on Sunday my OB called back to say she was on her way. I started pushing at 1:30pm and Gwen was delivered at 2:17pm. As crazy as my pregnancy was, my delivery was easy and uneventful!

It is hard to believe it has been two years. Watching her grow and now being home with her everyday, has given me so much joy. I love her more then I could have ever imagined. The challenges and heartache we suffered to get her was all worth it in the end. One day I will sit and write about our fertility issues, but for today I am just going to concentrate on the little girl who has blessed us in so many ways.
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