As excited as I was to be off during the holidays this year, I am having a really hard time getting into the spirit of it all. The tree is up, the stocking are hung and even the Elf on the shelf has made his appearance, but I just don't feel it.

Gwen is loving the tree and lights and that should help, but it is not. I only have 12 days to muster up some yuletide cheer.
Well onto a happier topic. As I mentioned before, Gwen and I went to my parents for the weekend and we baked cookies. My niece (4 years old) and nephew (7 years old) came over and decorated the Christmas tree, baked cookies and built a gingerbread house. They were so cute. Gwen did a really good job keeping up with her cousins.

But when she is with them, she wont take a nap. It was such a long day for her that she literally fell over on the couch and slept. I was afraid to move her. I didn't want her to wake up. She just keeps going till she cant go any more.
Things are getting better with her nap and sleep schedule. We will see where we are at the end of week three! I am feeling a lot better about all of our schedules.
I feel better about a lot of things. I just need to get things moving with my design portfolio and get my work out there. After the holidays I will hit the ground running. I am so looking forward to 2012.
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