I am a slacker. I haven't posted in over 5 months. Life just got way too busy. I am hoping that things will slow down a little now. Especially since I quit my job and I am officially a stay-at-home mom!
I was trying to stick it out at work until July, but I just was having such a hard time being away from Gwen. I had a really bad day at work and Joe said, I think it is time to put in your notice. That was a Thursday and Friday morning I gave my notice. It is hard to believe I am not going to work anymore. I am still going to be doing some design work for a bit for them and Joe and I are getting our photography and design company up and running - Images of Camelot Photography & Design.
I have been done with work for a week now, but throw in the Thanksgiving holiday, and it still hasn't really set in yet. I kind of feel like I am on vacation. I am so loving be home with my sweet daughter. It is hard to believe she will be two next month. Time is flying way too fast. She is becoming such a little person. She amazes me daily. Everything we went through to have her was so worth it. I feel so blessed to be her mother. One of these days I will write about our journey to getting pregnant and her birth story, which by the way involved 22 hours of labor!
Need to get back to snuggling my little love. Looking forward to all the things we are going to do!
